eGrips Unifies Under The Trango Brand
The story of Trango’s hold program begins in 1996, in a windowless warehouse in North Boulder. After experiences with disappointing, fragile, and slick polyethylene climbing holds, eGrips looked to a revolutionary new material derived from the nose cone coatings of nuclear submarines: polyurethane. Offering unheard of levels of durability and new ways to create, the duo began to revolutionize the shaping world. From this new material, a new company was born: eGrips. The development of new shaping techniques applied to this new material created a strong underground following, but the small company struggled to survive, and the original shapes were laid to rest under a trampoline in the legendary CATS Gymnastics in Boulder.
In 2001, Trango acquired these shapes and committed once again bringing the PU revolution to the climbing world, reviving eGrips from its dusty grave. Trango sought out new manufacturers, expanded the shaping program, and began to share innovative PU shapes with gyms around the US. As climbing gyms boomed around the world, so too did the PU revolution, and Trango was right there to share their shapes with gyms across the globe.
For over 20 years eGrips has been part of the Trango family. From the earliest days we saw the performance and craftsmanship the eGrips team put into everything they made. When we joined forces years ago, we did it because of the shared love of climbing. We are excited to integrate eGrips into the Trango Brand, sharing one icon and our vision for the future.
As climbers progress and gyms continue to seek out creative shapes to craft routes that inspire their members, Trango holds will continue to Set The Standard around the globe.